Coffee with map of Asia continent in the cup image for hero box
Construction Trends "Coffee Chat" - Asia Pacific
Join the U.S. Commercial Service for a virtual "Coffee Chat" highlighting the latest construction statistics and trends in Australia, Japan, and Korea.

Virtual Coffee Chat Construction in Asia Pacific

Construction Trends Virtual “Coffee Chat” Featuring Australia, Japan, and South Korea

When: Tuesday, December 6, 2022, 7:00 PM EDT 
Where: Virtual 
Cost: No cost

Join the U.S. Commercial Service for its virtual Coffee Chat series highlighting design and construction opportunities in Australia, Japan, and Korea. This webinar will include market observations, business opportunities, and highlights within the industry from distinguished presenters worldwide.

Learn how to engage with the U.S. Commercial Service to connect to hundreds of importers and buyers worldwide. Come with questions ready for an interactive dialogue with our dynamic presenters! 

We look forward to you joining us!

Questions? Please email Jasmine Braswell.

Register for the Chat

Woman smiling with yellow blouse and dark blazer
Ms. Rana Nusheiwat, Commercial Specialist from our U.S. Embassy in Sydney will present on construction trends in Australia.


The Australian construction industry generates over U$233 billion in revenue and accounts for around 9% of Australia’s Gross Domestic Product with a projected annual growth rate of 2.4% in the next five years. Our Commercial Specialist in Sydney, Australia will provide insights into the latest market trends, the Australian government investments in this sector focusing on the environment and increasing the number of women working in construction-related roles, and more.

Professional headshot of a woman in a beige blouse.
Ms. Misa Shimizu, Commercial Specialist from our U.S. Embassy in Tokyo will present on construction trends in Japan.


Driven by investments in renewable energy and telecommunications, the Japanese construction industry is forecast to grow by 3.2 percent in 2023, and to realize continued growth of one percent per annum from 2023 to 2026. Our Trade Specialist in Japan will discuss industry challenges, opportunities, and priorities, as well as U.S.-Japan collaboration in the Indo-Pacific through the U.S.-Japan Economic Policy Consultative Committee (Economic 2+2).

Professional headshot of a man in a dark suit.
Mr. Nathan Huh, Senior Commercial Specialist from our U.S. Embassy in Seoul will present on construction trends in South Korea

South Korea

The Korean construction industry recorded a stunning growth of 9.2 percent in 2021. It is said to be the first time in history that the Korean construction market exceed $185 billion of revenue. In this session, our U.S. trade specialist in South Korea will provide insights into the latest developments on Korea’s green building government policies, upcoming construction trends, and market supply chains.