Image of U.S. flag fading into the Ukrainian flag
United with Ukraine
U.S. public and private sector support for Ukraine has never been more vital. ITA’s U.S. Commercial Service is actively supporting Ukraine and connecting U.S. businesses to Ukrainian needs.

United with Ukraine

Opportunities for the Business Community to Get Involved

The International Trade Administration supports Ukraine and the U.S. business community by facilitating U.S. private sector engagement to help meet Ukraine’s immediate needs while looking ahead and preparing to assist the U.S. private sector to participate in a future reconstruction effort of increasing scope and size.

Country Commercial Guide

The Country Commercial Guide (CCG) is your trusted source about how to do business in an international market. Authored by seasoned trade experts at U.S. embassies and consulates, the guides provide insight into economic conditions, leading sectors, selling techniques, customs, regulations, standards, business travel, and more.  

Ukraine CCG

Contact Us

Working with our Commercial Service team in Europe and in Washington, D.C., ITA may be able to help facilitate contacts for large in-kind donations – particularly those with existing distribution channels in Europe. Please email your details to the Ukraine Action email box (e.g. contact, product specifics, amount to donate).

Ukraine Action Email

Innovative U.S. Business Responses to the Crisis in Ukraine

Looking for ways to assist? Our business clients share their timely, creative actions and successes in responding to Ukraine’s quickly evolving needs and challenges.

Examples of Business Support