ecommerce transaction order - shopping, pay order, packing, and delivery
Understanding eCommerce Sales Transactions
eCommerce sales simply introduces the need for a third party (service providers) to facilitate the transactions that occur from web-based sales.

Understanding eCommerce Sales Transactions

Online Payments With Credit Card, eWallet, Account, Or?

eCommerce sales transactions can involve more than just credit cards
Explore options other than credit cards for cross border ecommerce payments

You may be familiar with the usual online ecommerce payment methods, which require service providers and software for you to grow your online overseas sales. However, did you know there is a whole world of export finance knowledge that still applies to the online digital economy that can help you grow your business?

To succeed in the global marketplace and win sales against foreign competitors, exporters must offer their customers attractive sales terms supported by the appropriate international payment methods. Because getting paid in full and on time is the goal of the exporter for each ecommerce sale, an appropriate payment method must be chosen carefully to minimize the payment risk while also accommodating the needs and spending preferences of the buyer in the overseas market.

Are There Programs to Help with Understanding eCommerce Export Finance Options?

The US Commercial Service can help you solve cross border ecommerce business puzzles
Connect with an International Trade Specialist near you for support building your business cross-border ecommerce exports

As you develop your business’ digital strategy, government programs can help finance your export activities, such as participation in trade shows and translation of information.  There are also programs to enable you to acquire, construct, renovate, modernize, improve, or expand facilities and equipment to be used in the United States to produce goods or services involved in international trade.

The U.S. government offers a variety of financing and insurance products to help you build working capital, sell abroad, and protect your business. Learn how to obtain financing so you can make global deals while protecting your cash flow.

Are There Any Other Programs to Help With eCommerce Export Finance?

The US Commercial Service can help you find working capital like grants, projects, and other funding
Let the US Commercial Service help you find other available resources when you need them

Yes! There are plenty of economic development partners that we work with, simply Contact a Trade Specialist Near You to get help connecting with finance program administrators. The Following US Government Agencies have programs to assist U.S. Businesses with:

  • Small Business Administration (SBA)
    • Export Express Program: Provides small businesses that have export potential with up to $500,000 in funds to cover the initial costs of entering an export market.
    • International Trade Loan Program: Provides U.S. businesses that are preparing to engage in or are already engaged in international trade or are adversely affected by competition from imports with up to $5 million in financing to upgrade equipment and facilities.
    • Export Working Capital Program provides up to $5 million in short-term, transaction-specific working capital loans to U.S. small business exporters.
    • State Trade Expansion Program (STEP) helps small businesses overcome obstacles to exporting by providing grants to cover costs associated with entering and expanding into international markets.  The STEP grants are distributed through State departments of commerce or economic development organizations.
  • Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM)
    • Working Capital Loan Guarantee Program: Provides transaction-specific working capital loans to U.S. exporters, made by commercial lenders and backed by EXIM Bank’s guarantee. Uses of this financing include:  purchasing finished products for export; paying for raw materials, equipment, supplies, labor and overhead to produce goods and/or provide services for export; covering standby letters of credit serving as bid bonds, performance bonds, or payment guarantees; and financing foreign receivables
    • Export Credit Insurance: Protect your export sales against nonpayment, offer open account credit terms to your buyers, and increase cash flow with EXIM’s export credit insurance.
  • U.S. Trade and Development Agency (USTDA)
    • Feasibility Studies l Pilot Projects connects the U.S. private sector to infrastructure projects in emerging markets, achieving its mission by funding feasibility studies, technical assistance and pilot projects that integrate the innovation and expertise of American companies.

Interested in sales trade leads involving international infrastructure projects? Fill out our ITA Express Lead Infrastructure Projects intake form, and one of our representatives will be in contact with you within 3 business days.

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