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Training Videos
Resource videos on digital strategy to increase online overseas sales.

Training Videos - Export Mechanics

Exporting Mechanics Training Video Series

To be successful as a new exporter, you first need to understand the basic mechanics of exporting. This training series introduces twelve key topics — each broken into 3-5 short videos, easily viewed in any order. These videos are based on an ITA webinar series in partnership with NCBFAA. 

In the eCommerce Best Practices videos, exporters will learn about eCommerce strategies, best practices, best market prospects, as well as search engine optimization, website navigation tips, and the government rules on eCommerce. 

Introductions and Terms to Know

Get definitions and overviews of eCommerce and cross-border eCommerce in this video. 


eCommerce Websites and Platforms

In this video, exporters will learn about the two types of eCommerce Software Platform types: “Software as a Service” (SaaS) and “On Premise”. These eCommerce software platforms help companies with their online store, where they can manage their website and fulfill orders. This video explains the benefits of both types of ecommerce software platforms and identifies which ones are popular. There are also some key takeaways that companies can learn from about eCommerce software platforms.


Search Engine Optimization (SEO): How Customers Find Your Site

Learn about search engine optimization (SEO), site visitor statistics, search engines, and other ways your customers can find your site. Other topics covered: the mobile eCommerce optimization, finding eCommerce information on, country commercial guides (CCG’s), and eCommerce country briefs.


eCommerce Market Information

In this video, you will learn about eCommerce exports, eCommerce’s ROI, Cross-Border eCommerce Regulations and Taxes, general overseas market considerations, best practices for overseas consumers, and fraud prevention.



In the AES / EEI Regulations videos, exporters will learn about the Automated Export System (AES), the legal requirements for filing in AES, the process on how to submit your Electronic Export Information (EEI) to AES, and the use of authorized agents as an option to filing the EEI.

How to Submit Your Electronic Export Information 

Understand when the EEI is and is not required, and how to prepare to file your EEI. 


The Automated Export System, the Legal Requirements for Filing AES

Learn what you need to know about the Automated Export System and Foreign Trade Regulations. This video covers filing methods, such as the current AES process flow, and includes direct screenshots.


The Authorized Agent as an Option for Filing the EEI

In this video, you will learn about using a freight forwarder as the EEI. 


In the Export Compliance videos, exporters will learn about U.S. export controls, sanctions regulations, the export license process, and tips for developing and implementing a compliance program.

U.S. Export Control Regime

Learn how U.S. export controls are administered by the following U.S. government agencies:  the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security and Census; the Department of State’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls Regulations; the Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control and the Department of Homeland’s Security’s U.S. Customs and Border Control Protection. 


Definitions & Key Concepts​ 

In this video, you will learn the following definitions:  export, reexport, foreign national, and Schedule B.


Export Classifications & Licensing Determinations 

Learn about jurisdiction and classification, the various types of classifications, and the EAR Licensing Determinations.


Creating a Robust Export Compliance Program

Learn about the nine (9) Bureau of Industry and Security’s core elements of export management and compliance program. 


Penalties & Compliance

Learn about penalties, OFAC penalties, compliance programs, denied party screening, regulatory defense, a list of government agencies, useful links and resources, ITAR, directives for the sectoral sanctions identification list, and ITAR controlled.   



In the Export Control Basics videos, exporters will learn about the export control regulatory requirements and best practices for complying with them. They will also learn about product and technology classification, customer due diligence, screening, as well as handling controlled technology deemed exports. 

Export Controls Why, What and How? 

In this video, exporters will learn why export controls exist, and how to use the exporter portal and the export control decision tree.


An Industry Perspective

Learn to identify an export and determine if you need an export license. This video introduces you to the Export Administration Regulations (EAR)’s “Technology” which defines the foreign person, deemed exports, and other drawings and technical documents. You will also learn how to protect your company when exporting, and understand the EAR restrictions on Russia and Crimea.


Basics of Licensing Requirements 

Can you identify what you are exporting, know where it is going, who is receiving it, and what its end use is? This video will help you classify your exports and understand the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN) and the Commerce Control List (CCL). Also learn if you need an export license, the requirements, and how to apply for and use an export license, export licensing exceptions, SNAP R, and the Destinational Control Statement 758.  


What is a Commodity Jurisdiction (CJ)?
Learn about the commodity jurisdiction and commodity jurisdiction ruling.



In the ATA Carnet 101 videos, exporters will learn what an ATA Carnet is and why they should be used. They will also learn what countries accept ATA Carnets and how to clear an ATA Carnet with Customs.

The “What” About the ATA Carnet

Learn about the ATA Carnet and the temporary importation process. Learn about the benefits of using an ATA Carnet, and what types of goods do/don’t qualify for an ATA Carnet. This video also includes some example shipments.  


The “Who”, “Where” and “Why’s” About the ATA Carnet

Learn who manages the ATA Carnet, where can ATA carnets be used, and why an ATA Carnet is good for business.


The “How” About the ATA Carnet

In this video, learn how an ATA Carnet works and best practices, how to get or extend an ATA Carnet, and how to avoid the ATA Carnet Police. Other subjects covered are: the  Simplified Application Process, the security deposit, the cost, and the time it takes to get the ATA Carnet.


Additional Information About ATA Carnets

Learn how ATA Carnets can be exempt from other government requirements, how to be successful with the ATA Carnet, additional services offered, and Cargo Insurance.


Specific Questions Regarding ATA Carnets 

Learn about the counterfoil, and about certain Latin American countries that do not accept the ATA Carnets. These videos will help you understand why it is better to apply for only the country that they need, about potential reasons that would cause a carnet to be rejected to entry, and about when the ISF filing is required for the carnets item reentry, and when an ISF filing is required for the carnets item reentry




In the Sanctions videos, exporters will learn about sanction programs and the latest developments. They will also learn how government agencies regulate and enforce the various sanctions programs, licensing procedures, recent enforcement cases, high risk areas, red flags, and the Office of Foreign Assets Control licensing program.

Overview of Export Agencies

Learn about the Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security Overview of Programs/Lists, the Department of State’s Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (DDTC) Overview and the Department of Treasury’s Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC).


Introduction to OFAC

In this video, you will begin to learn about the Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), You will explore OFAC’s statutory authorities, executive orders, implementing regulations, their jurisdiction towards persons and transactions, and the type of sanctions programs. 


OFAC Outline Continued

Get a deeper understanding of OFAC and learn about the SDN list and the SDN individual, entity, and search. This video also covers the possible outcomes of a designation, exemptions and licenses, enforcement and enforcement responses, and civil monetary penalties (statutory maximums).



In the Export Administration Regulations videos, exporters will learn about Export Administration Regulations (EAR) and the General Prohibitions, country groups, license exceptions, country control lists, indexes as well as other definitions. They will also learn about the Bureau of Industry (BIS) license requirement and the U.S. government tools that are available. 

Why is This Important

In this video, you will learn how Export Administration Regulations are important to businesses and how they can help their bottom line, and can help businesses mitigate risk. The video can help businesses decide if a license is required to export a particular item, or whether or not a license exception is available, so you can avoid the delay and expense of working for and receiving an unnecessary license of approval. You will also learn about the other government agencies that are in compliance and go over the Commerce Control List, and Commodity Control Numbers and Classifications. 


Regulations, Commerce Control List (CCL and the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN)

Learn about the CCL index, how to classify an article in CCL, and understand what will happen if an item in not in the CCL. You will also be introduced to the three (3) type of commerce export designations, and the structure of the ECCN. 


Identifying the Item and Steps to Take

Learn about the EAR 99 and how to identify where your item is going and how it will be used. Also covered in this video - the Commerce Country Chart, Country-Specific FAQs and Groups, examples of classifying an item, licensing under the EAR, and identifying a license. Explore licensing exceptions and see who is involved in “Lists to Check”. 


Restrictions on Certain Exports/Completed Information

In this video, you will learn about the Bureau of Industry and Security’s Office of Export Enforcement and Part 764 on voluntary self-disclosure. 


Penalties and Disclosures

Learn about the Bureau of Industry, the Consolidated Screening List, the Simple Search Engine, and the Application Programming Interface in this video. 



In the Export Licenses videos, exporters will learn about export licenses, license exceptions, supporting documents needed for an export license, and SNAP-R. They will also learn about the export license procedures and when to export or re-export.

Why Are Export Controls Important

Learn why export controls are important - including the United States Munitions List (USML), the Commerce Control List, Export Control Transition, and the Export Administration Regulations (EAR). 


Licensing and the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN)

This video teaches exporters about the basics of licensing requirements and explains which destinations will require a license. You will also learn about the Commerce Country Chart, licensing requirements due to a country sanction, and licensing to end-use and end-user controls. Also, find out how you can obtain and use the Export Control Classification Number (ECCN).  


Tools, Tips, and Contact Information

This video covers the customer screen, the export control and other decision tree tools, and gives you contact information and some tips for the Commerce Control List.



In the ECCN Classification Numbers videos, exporters will learn about ECCN Classification Numbers and where to find them. They will also learn how to use, classify and read a provision in the Commerce Control List (CCL). 

What You Must Know for Every Export Transaction

Why are ECCN Classification Numbers important and why do you need to classify your products? This video explains what you must know about classification. 


Understanding the Commerce Control List (CCL), Part 774, Supplement No. 1

In this video, you will be introduced to the categories, product groups, and the structure of the Commerce Control List (CCL).


What Does the ECCN Tell Us 

Learn about the structure of the ECCN, numbering system, country chart, and classification process of the ECCN. This video also covers a sample recording of an ECCN.


Additional Information

Get the resources, website links, important points to remember, and other necessary info about ECCN numbers in this video.   




In the Letters of Credit videos, exporters will learn about letters of credit and why they exist, and who benefits from them. They will also learn about the 2010 Incoterms and which Incoterms require the letters of credit. 

What Is a Letter of Credit

Learn about the letter of credit as the dominant payment method, as well as know who the key participants are in the letter of credit and who should the letter of credit benefit?



How Does a Letter of Credit Work

This video will teach you the Letter of Credit process, and includes 20 key elements to negotiate, explains why beneficiaries still struggle with the Letters of Credit, identifies who should set the Letter of Credit terms, and covers what exporters need to know. The video also covers a sample Letter of Credit. 


Trade Documents and UCP 600

This video helps you understand the ins and outs of a standard trade document, the UCP 600 – Article 5, and describes where exporters can get a copy of the UCP 600. 


Incoterms Basics

This video explains Incoterms and demonstrates how they are used. Also covered are the C’s, D’s, and F’s Incoterms, as well as the Incoterm chart.



In the U.S. Harmonized Tariff Classification Numbers videos, exporters will learn about the relationship between the Schedule B, Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS), and the International Harmonized System. They will also learn how to search the U.S. Customs “CROSS” database for rulings on HTS classification. 

Relationships Between the Harmonized System (HS), Schedule B, and the Harmonized Tariff Schedule (HTS)

This video explains the International Harmonized System, and HS based classification for the U.S. It looks at the Schedule B vs. Harmonized Tariff Schedule. Also covered is a Schedule B Comparison, HTS Codes, “Nots List”, “Notice to Exporters”, “Jump Start” Schedule B, and HTSUS Research. The video suggest strategies to help keep track of your Schedule B numbers, explains forwarders filing EEI on the exporter behalf, and discusses strategies for keeping up with Schedule B changes.        


Online Demonstrations and Examples

In this video, you will be shown a Schedule B Search demonstration, and learn about the customs ruling online search system (CROSS).



Learn about international trade help, and who to contact for assistance.    



In the Duty Drawback and Refunds videos, exporters will learn about the background and history of duty drawbacks, the types of duty drawbacks that can be claimed and the upcoming changes to the duty drawback program.

Overview of Duty Drawback

In this video, you will be introduced to duty drawback. You will learn about the purpose and benefits of duty drawback, the U.S. drawback industry overview – such as the CBP Program At – a Glance, geographic parameters, who qualified for duty drawback and the types of duty drawback.  


The Potential of Duty Drawback

In this video, you will learn to determine and quantify drawback potential, understand data elements, and look at drawbacks in the future.    

Missing media item.

Drawback Legislation and Regulations

In this video, you will learn to understand the goals behind drawback simplification legislation, the biggest changes with TFTEA Drawback Legislation, drawback time frames: Core vs. TFTEA, the problems being faced when there are no regulations, the interim guidance document, and how you can take advantage of duty drawback and refunds.  
