VGC Group Achieves Success in Ghana & Beyond

The Detroit, MI office of e-commerce service provider Virtual Global Consultant Group (VGC) contacted the U.S. Commercial Service (CS) for assistance building e-commerce service sales in Ghana.
CS East Michigan recommended VGC participate in the ExporTech™ program to develop a strategic plan to build export sales, coached them during the program, introduced VGC to DEC members for counseling, and scheduled calls with colleagues at the U.S. Embassy in Ghana to plan next steps. As part of their strategy, VGC utilized the CS International Partner Search service. As a direct result of IPS results and a VGC presentation to the Association of Ghana Industries arranged by CS Ghana, VGC established a key partnership in Ghana, acquired new clients, increased their name recognition in Ghana and adjacent African countries, and added new employees in the United States.
Company Testimonial
“The coaching and mentorship we received through the programs and services offered by Eve Lerman and the U.S. Commercial Service have been instrumental in our success. We are now exporting e-commerce services to more countries and have developed new programs and service offerings that will increase our business sales to seven-figures by 2022.” – W.E. Da’Cruz, Co-Founder & COO, Virtual Global Consultant Group
Company Location: Detroit, Michigan
Company Website:
Local CS Office: East Michigan Office (Pontiac), Michigan
Trade Specialist: Eve Lerman,
Service: International Partner Search and ExporTech™