Timely Assistance Helps NY Business Facilitate Exports to Australia

TurboFil Packaging Machines, LLC (TurboFil) is a Mt. Vernon, NY – based manufacturer that produces liquid filling and assembly machines, including custom, built-to-spec, and specialized equipment. TurboFil has been working with the U.S. Commercial Service’s White Plains (CS White Plains) office since 2010 for assistance with a range of market expansion activities.
TurboFil reached out to CS White Plains for assistance with export financing. CS White Plains was able to connect TurboFil with Federal resources, such as ExIm Bank and the SBA, which helped answer any export financing questions that the company had. This timely assistance helped TurboFil feel more confident about proceeding with a potential purchase order from a customer in Australia.
Following the acceptance of the purchase order, representatives from TurboFil were asked to travel to Australia to help assemble and program the machinery. However, COVID-19 travel restrictions at the time curtailed travel to the country. The U.S. Commercial Service’s Australia office (CS Australia) recommended TurboFil provide virtual support due to travel restrictions. A factory acceptance test was conducted through a video conference, allowing TurboFil to ship the machinery without delay.
As COVID-19 travel restrictions eased, CS White Plains was able to assist TurboFil with travel to Australia, including tips on potentially expediting passports for travelers representing the company. As a result, TurboFil representatives were able to travel to Australia and finish installing the machinery for their valued customer.
“I do want to say that over the years your help has been so valuable to us in our ability as a small company to export our products!” - Debbie Smook, Vice President of Marketing and Business Development