Success Story

Superior Attains Global Grain Bin Gains


Superior Manufacturing fabricates steel grain bins and drying equipment. The company has transformed from a regional business into a global player in four short years. With the help of the U.S. Commercial Service, the company has developed a secret sauce that has yielded impressive results in many countries that are not easy export markets. 

A company must be able to differentiate its products from competing brands; otherwise it will be difficult to get buy-in from overseas buyers, who have to commit significant resources to take on a new imported brand.

At first, Engelstad was visiting international trade shows without a plan, but he soon realized that without pre-set contacts and appointments, it was too aimless and was not yielding strong enough connections. 
 “Achieving a successful export program takes patience and a commitment in time and resources,” says Engelstad. “But just as important, it also requires a plan and the U.S. Commercial Service has provided many valuable resources  to help develop and implement that plan.”

Engelstad engaged very pro-actively with the U.S. Commercial Service, receiving assistance in 30 different markets on 6 different continents since 2010. He signed up to participate in the ExporTech program in 2011, where he developed a strategic export plan and received customized coaching. Armed with a plan, 
Engelstad systematically and strategically approached markets, using a combination of the Initial Market Check (where for $350 companies can get some quick feedback on the interest level for their products), the Gold Key Service (where the U.S. Commercial Service sets up appointments with pre-screened potential international partners), USA Pavilions at major ag machinery shows around the world, including Nampo in South Africa, Agritechnica in Germany, Expo Santa Rita in Paraguay; and participating actively in US-based ag shows. 

Superior is now recording sales, partnerships and successes in Canada, Europe, Africa, Australia, South America and Asia. The company has already realized over $1 million in international sales since 2010. With focus, strategic planning, consistent leveraging of U.S. Commercial Service resources and committed follow through, Superior Mfg. has evolved from a new-to-export company to successfully exporting to every continent except Antarctica. Who knows, maybe they will need some grain storage in Antarctica too!  

Engelstad shares some of his insights in the Export Experts video series (videos 4, 5 and 6). For information on the U.S. Commercial Service, call (701) 239-5080, or visit