Study Kansas Launches

The University of Kansas inquired with the U.S. Commercial Service office in Kansas City about how the University could start a study state consortium in Kansas to market Kansas to prospective international students as a premier destination of study in the United States. CS Kansas City and CS Wichita Director took the lead in broadcasting the intent to create the Study Kansas consortium, capturing interest from educational institutions across the state to work on this initiative. Between February 2021 and December 2022, CS Kansas City and CS Wichita coordinated multiple virtual and in-person informational sessions; presented at the Annual Kansas International Educators (KIE) Conference; provided 1on 1 counseling sessions; and met with interested volunteers to share resources and advise on steps necessary for the creation of Study Kansas.
The Articles of Incorporation were filed with the Kansas Secretary of State in late-March, 2023, and the public launch of Study Kansas was announced shortly thereafter by the U.S. Commercial Service at the 2023 KIE Conference. In April 2023, Study Kansas held the first official Study Kansas monthly meeting post-incorporation, during which approximately 20 Kansas education professionals participated in the one-hour virtual meeting. Since April 2023, the U.S. Commercial Service team has facilitated monthly meetings for interested Kansas international educators; established the interim board and working groups; and moving action items forward with the goal of finalizing Study Kansas’s non-profit status and preparing the consortium for international marketing activities.
As the newest study state consortium, Study Kansas brings Kansas educational institutions together to market the educational assets of the state to international students seeking to study in the United States. The consortium serves to raise the profile of the state, pool resources for overseas promotion, enhance communication among institutions, and capitalize on the services and support of U.S. government agencies as well as partners.
“Study Kansas would not exist without the assistance of the U.S. Commercial Service, and in particular, Trade Specialists Pinki Thakker and Andrew (AJ) Anderson. Pinki and AJ organized the initial meetings, recruited volunteers, and ensured that the group kept moving towards the finish line. They have been invaluable resources and it is not an exaggeration to say that Study Kansas would not have been created without their unwavering guidance over the last 3 years. We are excited about the future of Study Kansas and we look forward to continuing to partner with the U.S. Commercial Service on this journey.” - Brian Powers, Emporia State University, Interim Chair of Study Kansas