Success Story
Industries Ghana Russia Illinois Export Promotion

Small, Family-Owned Business Enters Markets in Africa, Europe and Latin America with CS Assistance

“We at Frigid Fluid appreciate the valuable partnership with the local U.S. Commercial Service, whose quality service has been of material assistance to Frigid Fluid in its quest to attain its goals for export expansion. We could not have achieved these exceptional results without you and the world-wide team.”  - Robert M. Pine, Frigid Fluid Company
Frigid Fluid

The Frigid Fluid Company is a small, fifth-generation, family-owned business located in Northlake, IL where it manufactures and distributes funeral home supplies and cemetery equipment. Frigid Fluid contacted the U.S. Commercial Service for help with expanding in Europe and penetrating the growing economies of Latin America and Sub-Saharan Africa, two regions that offer strong potential for the firm’s products.

Over a two-year period, the U.S. Commercial Service assisted Frigid Fluid with understanding the Death Care industry in several international markets; complying with import and distribution licensing and registration requirements, including the European Union REACH Regulations and Biocide Directives; and identifying international distribution partners and buyers.

Frigid Fluid reported that U.S. Commercial Service efforts aided them in making their first sales to Russia and Ghana. The U.S. Commercial Service also contributed to the firm’s success in establishing new distributors in Europe in Denmark, Iceland, Spain, France, the United Kingdom, Germany and Poland; and in Latin America in Costa Rica, Honduras, Ecuador, Guatemala and Uruguay.