Success Story
Aircraft and Aircraft Parts

Rocket Scientists at Ideal Aerosmith Take Aim, Fire, and Hit the Export Mark

ideal aerosmith piece of equipment

Ideal Aerosmith, Inc. manufactures precision inertial guidance test systems, rotational rate tables and centrifuges, and high dynamic flight test tables. Based in Grand Forks, North Dakota, their systems test inertial sensors and navigation and guidance systems, and provide dynamic motion simulation for missiles, aircraft, launch vehicles, UAVs, and automobiles. Ideal Aerosmith also provides aerospace test engineering services, ATE system engineering, and contract manufacturing services to the aerospace industry. In business since 1938, high-tech companies around the world rely on Ideal Aerosmith for precision motion simulation, inertial guidance, avionics test equipment, missile flight simulation products, and test tables. 

“With millions of dollars of exports to countries like Japan, Italy, China, Canada, India, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, Poland, Indonesia and the Czech Republic last year, Ideal Aerosmith relies on the U. S. Commercial Service to help lay the groundwork to lasting relationships with the right parties in any country in the world,” said Greg Owens, President of Ideal Aerosmith. “Ideal sells products that range from hundreds of dollars to millions of dollars and the help, research and recommendations of the U. S. Commercial Service are a critical part of our export process.”

Ideal Aerosmith began using the US Commercial Service (CS) in 1998 and has utilized the agency in many facets of its international business. Ideal Aerosmith has utilized CS offices in Minneapolis, Fargo, Seattle, Phoenix, Germany, Singapore, Croatia, China, Germany, South Korea, Malaysia, Russia, Canada, Peru, and France, among others. Ideal’s first contact with CS was when the company needed export licensing help for shipments going to China, Singapore, and Croatia. Ideal Aerosmith has also relied on CS for information regarding regulations on end use and end user of the systems they were shipping. They also used the CS for NAFTA assistance; and they have used the International Partner Search and Gold Key Service. Ideal has also contacted CS to verify foreign payments and to terminate fraudulent transactions. The CS Germany office provided them with market research, intellectual property rights info and other industry insights; and later listed them on the Embassy’s website and introduced the company to 200 potential buyers. Ideal participated in the ExporTech program in 2011, and through that process they formulated a worldwide business expansion plan. 

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