Outdoor Decking Company from Ohio Succeeds in Brazil

TimberTech, headquartered in Wilmington, Ohio, is a producer of outdoor decking products, with a large portfolio of sophisticated and versatile products, featuring realistic wood colors made from recycled plastic bags and milk jugs. A long-time client of CS Cincinnati, TimberTech sought to hold a Single Company Promotion (SCP) in São Paulo, where they would announce their exclusive in-country partner serving the Brazilian market. CS Brazil invited 350 industry guests, resulting in attendance by 71 attendees including journalists and industry representatives from architecture, landscaping, hospitality, and green building. The SCP provided TimberTech’s Brazilian partner the visibility and a marketing platform to engage with high-profile clients interested in their products.
According to TimberTech’s Brazilian partner, the SCP had significant impact on their ability to win a major project. “The SCP helped to accelerate the closing process” for a major renovation deal valued at $450,000.