Success Story
Design and Construction

Opening the Door to Exporting with UK and Canada

Door Stud

Door Stud is a start-up based at North Dakota State University’s Research and Technology Park in Fargo, North Dakota. The Door Stud is  a specially designed dolly that allows doors to be quickly and easily moved and installed, cutting the time and manpower requirements dramatically. It also improves safety and reduces damage to toes, fingers and walls near doors.

When Door Stud got connected to a potential UK based buyer, managers weren’t sure what steps to take. They consulted with John Cosgriff, Incubator Manager at the Tech Park, who recommended that Door Stud contact the US Commercial Service in Fargo for help. As Door Stud faced new and unfamiliar situations in processing this international request, they contacted CS North Dakota for assistance, and CS North Dakota Director Heather Ranck provided feedback and counsel regarding distributor contract negotiation, pricing, shipping and customs clearance on some sample units. The outcome was a susccessful sale to the UK with the hope of additional future sales. 

Door Stud Director of sales, Randy Anderson stated: “The hesitation and trepidation we originally had for an international sale were greatly mitigated by being able to check and confirm strategies, information, and tactics at every step of the process. We were able to approach this sale with a much higher degree of knowledge and confidence based on the insights and information provided by the U.S. Commercial Service.”

Through this growing relationship with CS North Dakota, Door Stud learned of the unique international market research capabilities offered by CS North Dakota and the ND District Export Council through the RAISE program (Rural America’s Intelligence Service for Exporters), and the company owner decided to initate a research project focused on the Canadian market. Within a few weeks of their initial meeting, CS North Dakota provided an overview of the market as well as a list of 28 potential leads. From there, Door Stud began engaging directly with the U.S. Commercial Service in Canada, where CS staff in Canada are providing ongoing support in contacting leads and prospecting for new distributors. Not a bad start for a startup! CS North Dakota continues to be on call for other leads that continue to come into Door Stud. 

Click here for more information on the U.S. Commercial Service / North Dakota.