Las Vegas-based Powerjet Parts takes off in International Markets!

The U.S. Commercial Service in Las Vegas regularly counsels clients on export strategy and mechanisms to mitigate risk in the global marketplace, including the risk of non-payment. When Powerjet Parts, a Las Vegas based distributor of sensors and switches for power generation turbines, received a sales inquiry from an unknown foreign buyer, the Las Vegas USEAC introduced Powerjet Parts to the Export-Import Bank of the United States, and the company was then able to make a significant sale covered by Export Credit Insurance. The foreign buyer is now a trusted customer. PowerJet Parts is growing and eager to expand into new markets, and they now comfortably welcome inquiries from power generation and aerospace/military buyers from around the world. The U.S. Commercial Service is standing by to assist our clients in expanding their global reach.
“PowerJet Parts, Inc. is proud to export USA made power generation parts to customers all over the world. The need for power generation is not particular to the USA alone, and the worldwide need for these high-tech parts to sustain power generation will be fulfilled one way or another. While we offer the highest quality power-gen parts in the world and the best prices - Due to the overall high cost of parts in this industry, a barrier to entry in foreign markets is the ability to offer lines of credit to new customers. With EXIM’s help, we were able to overcome this barrier and secure a new recurring customer that otherwise may have chosen to procure parts of foreign origin and/or from a foreign distributor closer to their backyard.” Ricky Lee, Technical Sales Lead, PowerJet Parts