Success Story
Machine Tools Nigeria Kansas Export Promotion

Kansas Manufacturer Overcomes Hurdles For Nigerian Sale

Hornet Cutters Success Story

Hornet Cutting Systems, located in Valley Center, Kansas, designs, engineers, services, and manufactures CNC plasma and waterjet cutting machines for numerous industries including transportation, manufacturing, and steel.  CNC, or Computer Numerical Control, machines use computer systems to automate the complex steps and processes of machinery. CNC cutting machines use intricate software systems and components to efficiently, accurately and smoothly handle cutting processes.

Hornet Cutting Systems, LLC reached out to The U.S. Commercial Service in Wichita to vet the authenticity of a sales inquiry and to obtain ongoing support through each stage of the order fulfillment process. CS Wichita reached out to a colleague at CS Nigeria, who confirmed the authenticity of the trade lead that was for a large format plasma cutting machine that the Nigerian Navy intended to use for cutting large steel plates for ship building and ship repairs.  This initial inquiry led to a series of requests from Hornet Cutting where CS delivered.  This included providing a list of prospective installers from which Hornet interviewed and selected one;  providing substantial counseling regarding the visa process for staff of the Nigerian installation company, and Nigerian naval personnel  to come to Hornet’s headquarters to train on the setup, installation, and operation of Hornet’s cutting equipment;  facilitating conversations to ensure final payment receipt when payments were delayed as new and differing personnel within the Nigerian naval chain of command changed post an election in Nigeria; and, introducing the client to an area U.S. freight forwarder to handle their shipment to Nigeria after experiencing months of delays in getting a ship date from a large, national freight forwarder. 

In January 2024, Hornet reported that they had received the final payment from Naval Dockyard Ltd. Once Naval Dockyard’s new machine is fully operational, there is potential for additional sales for consumables used for machine operation.  There is also the potential for additional sales of cutting equipment to the Nigerian Navy, as well as sales of additional Hornet cutting equipment in Western Africa through the company contracted to install the Hornet cutting machine for the Nigerian Navy.  The long-term joint counseling from CS Wichita and CS Nigeria was instrumental in assisting Hornet in getting this deal across the finish line.

“Without the initial help and assistance of the [Wichita] KS USEAC to vet this opportunity as legitimate, there is no way that our company would have responded to the inquiry and therefore would not have pursued and earned this sale. The help and assistance from AJ Anderson and his colleagues has been invaluable during the entire process. We are deeply grateful for the help navigating the complex issues surrounding this sale and for the burgeoning relationship with the Nigerian Navy that are being developed as a result. The successful completion of this large sale to the Nigerian government is a significant win for Hornet, and if it develops into more business in Western Africa, it will be a testament to the power of having a guide like the USEAC during the critical phases of building these sorts of export relationships.” – Todd Gentry, Regional Sales Manager, Hornet Cutting Systems, LLC