Success Story
Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Colombia Iowa Export Promotion Export Strategy

Iowa Industrial and Ag Equipment Business Wins in Colombia


Vermeer Manufacturing Company, a rural company headquartered in Pella, Iowa, designs, manufactures, and supports industrial and agricultural equipment.

U.S. Commercial Service (CS) Iowa and CS Colombia provided Vermeer Corporation with a Gold Key Service to expand their market reach into the mining industry. CS Colombia arranged several productive meetings with the top players in the industry and established close relationship with Vermeer’s distributor in the country. In addition to the customized meetings provided to Vermeer, its distributor asked for CS support to bid on a major project with a natural gas distribution company. The distributor was provided with the name and contact information of a high-level official in the company, which made it possible for the distributor to communicate with the decision maker directly to make sure they were making a transparent selection.

Vermeer Corporation knows the benefits of working with and alongside the US Commercial Service in global market development. This is one of those cases, again, where the knowledge and relationship that a Commerce Specialist has in the market has paid off for us and for U.S. industry.”  - -Daryl Bouwkamp, Senior Director, Industry, International and Government Relations

As a result of CS assistance, Vermeer was awarded the contract for the equipment worth several hundred thousand U.S. dollars.