Success Story
Agricultural Equipment and Machinery Kansas Ukraine

Heritage Tractor is not just in Kansas Anymore

Bald man sitting on a desk working at a computer

Heritage Tractor is a 21-store John Deere Dealership based in Baldwin City, Kansas, with other stores in Missouri, Kansas, and Arkansas, and trade territory expanding to Nebraska and Oklahoma. In February 2020, Kurt Miller, Director of Sales for Heritage Tractor connected with U.S. Commercial Service (CS) Kansas City as the company started thinking strategically about international sales. Heritage’s focus was on building long-term partnerships instead of reacting to one-off inquiries. To accomplish this, Heritage expressed an interest in customized market research to help identify where to focus their international efforts.

Based on the client’s interest in market research, CS Kansas City staff suggested a conversation with the Rural Export Center in Fargo, North Dakota. The joint call was scheduled to discuss customized market research projects through RAISE Research. Following this informational call, the Rural Export Center delivered Heritage Tractor a Matrix + 3 Country  Reports. 

“To start building relationships globally with no experience is very overwhelming and ends up with potential time wasted and time spent in the wrong areas. Utilizing US Commercial Services has enabled us to be better at what we do: focusing on building relationships and selling machinery. Working with US Commercial Services out of Kansas City and the Rural Export Center has helped us have a bullseye approach with selling globally,” said Miller.

Based on the results of the RAISE Research, Heritage selected Ukraine as a market with strong potential for used agricultural equipment. They conducted an International Partner Search (IPS) in Ukraine to help with the initial goal of long-term sales partnerships. An initial consultation call was held with CS Ukraine to discuss the IPS feasibility. The final report was provided three months later. Because of COVID, Heritage plans to more proactively pursue additional partnerships once they can travel more freely and meet in person.

Four months later, Heritage was contacted by a Ukrainian company about a potential partnership. The buyer was one of the companies from the original IPS. Heritage proceeded with the sale and has increased opportunities for the company to continue selling used equipment into Ukraine, fulfilling its original goal.

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