Global Digital Strategy Yields Surge in Web Visits for Seattle-based Fragrance Firm

In 2020, the Seattle boutique fragrance line Molly Ray Parfums reached out to US Commercial Service Seattle (CS Seattle) for assistance defining and implementing a digital strategy. CS Seattle performed a Website Globalization Review, a service that looked at Molly Ray Parfums’ website from an international sales acquisition standpoint.
In March 2021, Molly Ray Parfums participated in CS Seattle’s four-week Digital Strategy Webinar series. After attending and learning more about website globalization and implementation, Molly Ray Parfums received guidance on securing Small Business Administration STEP funding to help pay for the services of a local digital marketing service provider.
After training and help by the consultant, Molly Ray Parfum’s saw a 354.72% increase in visitors over 2021, including a 335.22% increase in new users. Using ecommerce key performance indicators, Molly Ray Parfums saw ecommerce key performance indicators like average session duration of website visitors increased by 64.21%. Additionally, the rate at which visitors immediately exited pages decreased by 1.96%.
Business owner Molly Ray said to CS Seattle International Trade Specialist Alexandra Machetanz, “You’ve been so awesome in all of our work together, I couldn’t have done it without you this year!”