Automotive Textile Producer Driven to Succeed in India

American Foam & Fabric, Inc., dba AFF group (AFF), manufactures and exports automotive aftermarket textiles. The firm, based in Greer, South Carolina, has relied on the U.S. Commercial Service for assistance with trade barrier resolution, advanced export training and matchmaking services in Latin America. These services led to successful connections in the markets of interest. AFF’s new objective was to continue to grow its global export footprint, with U.S. Commercial Service support.
AFF was strategic in its approach, targeting just one country—India—but exploring different regions within it. U.S. Commercial Service offices in India and Columbia, South Carolina launched a regional International Partner Search to identify Indian firms that were interested in purchasing AFF’s products. The U.S. Commercial Service team then arranged several virtual meetings between AFF and these potential Indian partners.
AFF has exported over $750,000 of its products to India so far and expects sales to grow in 2022. AFF attributes its success in India to the connections the U.S. Commercial Service made between it and its new Indian partners.