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South Africa Business Service Providers
US companies can find local service provider. South African companies can advertise your service to US companies doing business in South Africa.

South Africa Business Service Directory

The Business Services Providers (BSP) directory helps U.S. companies identify professional service providers to assist you in the assessment, completion, and/or financing of a business or export transaction. The Commercial Section of the U.S. Embassy in South Africa has carefully chosen a select group of qualified local service providers. If you seek support in a category not listed here, please contact us at and we will try to identify companies that can provide what you need to succeed in South Africa.  

For South Africa Service Providers:

Apply directly to join our BSP directory to be featured as a service provider or contact us at for more information. There is a $350 fee for the BSP Directory service.

**The BSP directory is intended to provide an additional resource to U.S. exporters doing business in this geographic area.  The BSP directory is not comprehensive. Inclusion does not constitute an endorsement or recommendation by the U.S. & Foreign Commercial Service. We have performed limited due diligence research. We assume no responsibility for the professional ability or integrity of the providers listed. We reserve the right not to list a particular company.  

Find Business Resources in South Africa

Explore the service providers below. Contact us for more information about your specific sector.

Business Service Providers
Oriole Logo

Oriole Consulting (Pty) Ltd South Africa

-    Company Full name – Oriole Consulting (Pty) Ltd
-    Company physical address – 3 Joseph Road, Silvamonte, Johannesburg.
-    Contact person – Jens Gembicki
-    Contact person direct email address –
-    Contact number –  011 346 2422
-    Website address -

Oriole Consulting specializes in company registration, BEE restructuring, and company compliance services in South Africa. They offer personalized solutions, contrasting with standardized packages of larger firms. Oriole’s expertise in compliance covers areas such as Employment Equity, Skills Development, B-BBEE, Company Governance, and Labour. They assist clients in understanding and leveraging the benefits of BBBEE compliance, including developing and implementing strategies, policies, and programs. Additionally, Oriole provides support in restructuring for BEE compliance to meet regulatory requirements. Their services also include company and trust registration, and assisting with various compliance-related matters, making them a comprehensive partner for businesses seeking compliance solutions.