Close up shot red darts arrows in the target center on dark blue sky background. Business target or goal success and winner concept Image
Single Company Promotion
Organizes promotional events to reach U.S. exporting companies' preferred audiences and decision-makers in international markets.

Single Company Promotion

From product launches to technical seminars, we can help organize a promotional event to reach a target audience of clients and key decision-makers in an overseas market.


Provides a U.S. firm or locality with a promotional event (such as a technical seminar, press conference, luncheon, dinner, cocktail reception, etc.) to help increase awareness of their locality or existing/new products/services in a specific market, including organizing the event logistics/venue; conducting a targeted direct mail or e-mail campaigns; managing the promotional campaign and event-related logistics; providing logistical and promotional support on-site during the event; and providing a post-event de-briefing to discuss next steps.


You must be an export-ready U.S. company seeking to export goods or services of U.S. origin or that have at least 51% U.S. content to utilize this service. The fee for Single Company Promotion varies depending on your company size and scope of work. The fee is based on the following hourly rate for staff time: $30 for small companies(1), $70 for medium companies(2) and $90 for large companies(3).  Please note that these prices exclude any direct costs(4).  To learn more about the service, contact one of our domestic Trade Specialists today.

1 Must qualify as a “small business” under the Small Business Administration’s size standards, which vary by North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) Code:—table-size-standards. Fees listed also apply to U.S. Economic Development Organizations (EDO) and Non-profit Educational Institutions that purchase ITA services for their own use.  For example, when an EDO requests a Gold Key Service (GKS) to promote itself as a tourist destination, it will be charged the small company fee. If, however, an EDO requests a (GKS) to promote a U.S. company’s goods/services, the size of the company will be used to determine the fee.  
2 Must have less than $1B in annual revenue (including affiliates: parent, child, subsidiaries, divisions, etc.) to qualify.
3 All U.S. businesses that do not qualify as a small or medium enterprise.
4 Other direct costs not included in the service description must be assumed by the client. Types of other direct costs include translation, transportation, use of contractors, venue rental, catering, etc.  Please note that any transportation for ITA staff beyond 80 kilometers or more than 2 hours from an ITA office will be charged an additional user fee to cover the cost.