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Our Services in France
Take that next step in expanding your business in France with the U.S. Commercial Service.

Services in France

Services in France from the U.S. Commercial Service

With our knowledge and connections in the market, we can help you succeed.

International Market Research 

Start your successful export planning with International market research.

Find the right partner

Locate qualified local companies to be partners, agents, or distributors with the Gold Key Service.

Promote Your Company 

Get the word out about your new product or service in France with the Single Company Promotion

Do your due diligence

Conduct a preliminary background check with an International Company Profile.

Other Services/Resources 

Learn about U.S. Commercial Service services available throughout our network.                                                             

Also, take advantage of our Country Commercial Guide, your trusted resource on how to do business France.

For Market Success contact us at Office.paris@trade.gov








































































Services for U.S. Companies
Every year, the U.S. Commercial Service helps thousands of companies export goods and services worth billions of dollars. Let us help you find the best opportunities for your business in this market.

Proven Trade Expertise. Our global network of trade professionals is located throughout the United States and in U.S. Embassies and Consulates in nearly 80 countries. Whether you’re looking to make your first export sale or expand your business in this market, we offer the trade counseling, market intelligence, business matchmaking, and commercial diplomacy you need to connect with lucrative business opportunities. In addition, we will help you to develop trade finance and insurance strategies that align with your particular business objectives and help you complete your export transaction.

Following is a list of our general assistance areas. Our trade professionals will work with you to identify and tailor the right mix of U.S. Commercial Service capabilities to achieve your exporting goals. Contact our U.S. Commercial Service trade specialist for details.
  • Trade Counseling
  • Planning and Strategy
  • Legal and Regulatory Issues
  • Documentation and Product Requirements
  • Trade Problems
  • Trade Finance and Insurance
  • Market Intelligence
  • Country and Industry Reports
  • Customized Market Research
  • Background Reports
  • Trade Data and Analysis
  • Business Matchmaking
  • Contact Lists & Partner Search
  • Personalized Business Matchmaking
  • In-Country Promotions
  • Trade Missions & Trade Shows
  • Commercial Diplomacy
For Market Success contact us Office.paris@trade.gov

International market research is a key piece of successful export planning.
It is important to critically review and assess demand for your product, as well as factors related to a given export destination. The information will maximize your company’s efforts, while keeping the export plan cost and time efficient. Our resources can help you compare markets and target the right ones.

The Country Commercial Guide (CCG) is your trusted source about how to do business in France. Authored by seasoned trade experts at U.S. embassy Paris and consulates, the guides provide insight into economic conditions, leading sectors, selling techniques, customs, regulations, standards, business travel, and more.
Commercial corporate promotion service
Do you quickly need to get the word out about your new product or service in France, introduce your new distributor or agent, find new customers, conduct a technical training program on your product or service, or otherwise promote your capabilities?
The U.S. Commercial Service France’s Single Company Promotion (SCP) is designed to provide a boost to your company’s efforts under the banner of the U.S. Embassy and/or U.S. Consulates in France.
Companies can use our facilities, or we will help arrange another suitable venue. Additional services are available. Costs vary according to the complexity involved, the resources and the time required.
Other services
Learn about U.S. Commercial Service services available throughout our network.
Contact us today to connect with a world of opportunity.