Taiwan TM 2024
UAS and C-UAS Business Development Trade Mission
September 22-25, 2024

Participant List

Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS) and Counter-UAS (C-UAS) Business Development Trade Mission to Taiwan

Following an extensive review and vetting process, the following U.S. companies have been approved to participate in the Uncrewed Aerial Systems (UAS) and Counter-UAS (C-UAS) Business Development Trade Mission to Taiwan September 22-25, 2024.

About the Mission

This trade mission has been organized by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s International Trade Administration with the goal of connecting U.S. companies with business opportunities that increase U.S. exports and create American jobs while advancing broader U.S. national interests in the Indo-Pacific region.  

Market demand in Taiwan for U.S. technologies and solutions for civil- and defense-related UAS and C-UAS products and services has steadily grown over the past five years, and that demand is projected to increase.  

While the trade mission delegation is in Taiwan, it will meet with decisionmakers from Taiwan authorities, learn more about the political and economic environment on the island, and evaluate the potential for furthering and deepening ties between the United States and Taiwan in this economically important and fast-developing industry sector.  Below is a list of the American companies selected for this trade mission:

9月 22 -25, 2024

經過詳細審查和審核程序後,下列美國公司已獲准參加將於2024年9月22日至25日在台灣舉辦的無人機(UAS)和無人機反制系統(C-UAS)商業發展貿易代表團。此次貿易代表團由美國商務部國際貿易管理局主辦,旨在增加美國企業出口和創造美國就業機會,同時促進美國在印太地區的更廣泛的國家利益。過去五年來,台灣市場對於美國民用和國防相關的無人機和無人機反制系統的技術和解決方案需求穩步增長, 且估計會持續上升。代表團在訪台期間,將會與台灣當局的決策者會面,進一步了解島上的政治和經濟環境,並評估在這個具有經濟上重要意義且快速發展的行業領域深化美台之間連結的潛力。以下是此次貿易代表團所選定的美國公司名單: