Panama Skyline
Panama's Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions when exporting to Panama.

Panama FAQ

Q: How do I obtain information on the Panamanian market? 

A: The U.S. Commercial Service in Panama identifies the industry sectors that offer the most potential for U.S. products and services, and prepares market research reports on an on-going basis. You can find these reports at the Country Commercial Guide: your trusted source about how to do business in Panama. If you would like to receive market intelligence about export opportunities for your particular product or service, CS Panama can conduct customized market research for your firm.

Q: Which industry sectors offer the best opportunities? 

A: Our Doing Business in Panama Guide lists the leading sectors for U.S. exports and investment in Panama. Since Panama’s economy is largely service-based, however, Panama imports goods in all sectors. Contact us for information on the market of opportunities for your particular product or service.

Q: How do I find Panamanian buyers/distributors/representatives? 

A: The U.S. Commercial Service in Panama provides many services to help U.S. companies identify potential Panamanian partners. Our business matchmaking services are designed to help you locate, screen, and meet with potential buyers, representatives, distributors, and joint venture partners.

Q: Does Panama import my product? How much? Who are the major potential buyers? 

A: The U.S. Commercial Service in Panama uses a variety of resources, including in-country databases and local expertise, to provide you with import statistics and a list of the top ten potential importers for your product. You may want to look at our online trade databases like Trade Stats Express to see high-level country-by-country export statistics.

Q: How do I establish a company in Panama?

A: It is relatively easy to do business in Panama. You will find information about establishing a company in Panama in our report on Selling U.S. Goods and Services, at the Country Commercial Guide.

Q: Is there a Free Trade Agreement with Panama?

A: Yes! As of October 31, 2012, the U.S. – Panama Trade Promotion Agreement (sometimes referred to as a Free Trade Agreement, or FTA) is in effect. It drops 87% of tariffs for U.S. content exports to 0%. Even without the benefits of the FTA, U.S. exporters are already very competitive in Panama and barriers to entry are low. For more information on the FTA and how to understand what benefits it has for you as an exporter of U.S.-made goods, please visit the U.S. - Panama Trade Promotion Agreement webpage.

Q: Do any import restrictions apply to my product? 

A: You will find a summary of the most important Panamanian import regulations and restrictions in our report on Trade Regulations and Standards, at the Country Commercial Guide. If you would like to identify import duties and taxes applicable to your specific product, please contact us.

If you need counseling from an expert in customs issues, contact us to request a list of Panamanian customs brokers. Please be advised that the listing of a firm does not imply endorsement by the U.S. Department of Commerce or any other agency of the U.S. Government.

Q: Which safety regulations and standards apply to my product? 

A: You will find information about safety regulations and standards in our report on Trade Regulations and Standards, at the Country Commercial Guide. If you would like to identify the standards applicable to your specific product, please contact us.

Q: Where can I obtain financial/commercial references for a Panamanian company? 

A: The U.S. Commercial Service in Panama can investigate the capabilities, legitimacy, and financial strength of your potential Panamanian business partners through a background check. 

Q: How can I obtain a list of trade shows in Panama? 

A: Participating in local trade shows may be a good way to contact Panamanian potential buyers and to gain market exposure. Every year U.S. Commercial Service Panama supports a number of trade shows and events carefully selected by its team of country experts. Please visit our Event’s page to view the current list of local events.

Q: Where can I find a list of business publications to promote my products? 

A: Advertising in local trade publications is an excellent way to gain market exposure for your product or service in Panama. You will find a brief list of the leading Panamanian newspapers and business magazines in our report on Selling U.S. Products and Services, at the Country Commercial Guide.

Please contact us for a list of business publications in your specific industry sector. We can supply detailed information, such as the publisher contact data, circulation, frequency, advertising rates, and more.

Q: Can USCS help me resolve a complaint against a Panamanian company? 

A: If your firm is having difficulties with a Panamanian company, please feel free to contact us and provide detailed information about the situation, contact data, and documented proof of unsuccessful attempts at resolving the problem. We will analyze your case and provide assistance accordingly. Please be advised that the U.S. Embassy does not typically intervene in questions arising from private transactions. It does however, attempt to clarify misunderstandings.

Q: How do I find information about exporting my agricultural products?

A: In Panama, the U.S. Department of Agriculture maintains a Foreign Agricultural Service (FAS) office. FAS links U.S. agriculture to the world to enhance export opportunities and global food security. You can contact the U.S. Embassy Panama FAS office via email at:; by phone at 011-507-207-7297; or by visiting the FAS Panama website.

Q: How do I find Panamanian suppliers? 

A: The U.S. Commercial Service does not help U.S. companies find foreign suppliers. For more information, visit the Panamanian Ministry of Commerce and Industry webpage.

Q: Where can I find a list of U.S. companies based in Panama? 

A: The U.S. Embassy in Panama does not maintain a comprehensive list of U.S. companies with a presence in Panama. We recommend that you contact the Panama American Chamber of Commerce, an affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, for this information. For more information, contact the Chamber.