MODEX 2024
MODEX 2024 is the premier international material handling, logistics and supply chain show and conference.
MODEX brings together solution providers who demonstrate their equipment, systems and services to 40,000 manufacturing and supply chain professionals from around the globe, seeking productivity solutions for their operations. Over 900 exhibitors will showcase their solutions on MODEX’s show floor totaling over 405,000 square feet of manufacturing and supply chain solutions.
MODEX exhibitors will represent all segments of the material handling and logistics industry, from traditional, manual equipment to computerized, and automated systems. The MODEX show floor will be divided into solution-specific sections: Manufacturing and Assembly, Information Technology, Fulfillment and Delivery, Transportation and Logistics, and Emerging Technologies.
MODEX 2024 will also feature a comprehensive educational conference including keynotes and show floor educational seminars led by industry experts and leading authorities. The website for all information about the event is
Date: March 11-14, 2024
Location: Atlanta, Georgia
MODEX’s international delegation program is co-organized with the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Trade Event Partnership Program (TEPP). Through TEPP, MODEX works with the U.S. Commercial Service’s network of offices in U.S. Embassies and Consulates worldwide to attract and recruit delegations of qualifies international buyers to attend the show. Commercial Specialists leading these delegations help international buyers locate equipment and solutions they are looking to purchase at the show and facilitate onsite meetings with U.S. exhibitors.

U.S. Commercial Service – Peoria, Illinois

International Trade Specialist
U.S. Commercial Service – Minneapolis, Minnesota