Trade Data and Analysis
Trade Data & Analysis
Explore a wealth of trade data, innovative tools, and analysis provided by experts at ITA’s Industry & Analysis unit. Gain insights to help businesses, policymakers, and other stakeholders navigate international markets, identify emerging trends, and strengthen global competitiveness.
U.S. National Trade
Dive into U.S. national-level product and partner trade insights using the latest available trade data.
Updated Monthly
- Monthly Trade Infographic
- Partner Trade Tables (YTD)
- TradeStats Express - National (YTD)
- Manufacturing Industry Tracker
Updated Bi-Annually
U.S. State & Metro Trade
Discover how individual states and metro areas strengthen the U.S.’s global trade position through localized export data and market insights.
Updated Monthly
Updated Bi-Annually
Industry-Specific Trade
Access detailed trade data tailored to industries, highlighting product-level export and import trends and their impact on global competitiveness.
Global Trade - Country Reports
Explore worldwide trade trends, including import and export data, trade balances, and partner country data across industries.
ITA Resources
External Trade Databases
Explore Markets
Find tools to assess export opportunities, compare markets, and evaluate your competitive position in global trade.
Policy & Economic Resources
Explore our in-depth policy and economic research to gain insights that drive informed decisions and impactful strategies.