Market Intelligence
Airport and Ground Support Equipment Vietnam

Vietnam Airport Master Plan

In June 2023, the Government of Vietnam issued Decision 648/QĐ-TTg, approving the near-term master plan for the development of national airports through 2030 and a long-term vision to 2050.

Vietnam aims to have 30 airports by 2030 (14 international and 16 domestic airports), up from the current total of 22 airports. This near-term plan aims to accommodate rising air travel demands and improving freight and logistics operations. The long-term vision for 2050 includes further upgrades and development to increase annual passenger capacity by over 80%. The Government of Vietnam is prioritizing development and expansion of 6 key international airports in Long Thanh, Tan Son Nhat, Noi Bai, Da Nang, Cam Ranh, and Phu Quoc.

The estimated development cost for the 2030 master plan is VND 420 trillion (USD 17.77 billion), which will require funding from the national budget and other sources. For the construction of new airports, the Government aims to utilize public-private partnerships for capital mobilization.

U.S. companies are well-regarded in Vietnam’s aviation sector for the quality of their products, advanced technology solutions, and professionalism. Subsector opportunities include architectural, engineering and construction services; technology and equipment for smart airport solutions; and advanced air traffic management systems and equipment.

For further information on these airport development projects, please contact the U.S. Commercial Service Vietnam’s Commercial Specialist for aviation and aerospace: Ms. Anh Nguyen (Hanoi) at