Market Intelligence
Telecommunications Uruguay South America Western Hemisphere

Uruguay InfoTech 5G

The IT sector in Uruguay offers various opportunities for companies looking to do business in this sector. In terms of 5G, Uruguay recently conducted a spectrum auction for the 3.5 GHz band for a license period of 25 years.

Current operators ANTEL, Telefonica’s Movistar, and América Movil’s Claro were awarded 100 MHz bloc each at USD 28 million on average. Uruguay is now one of the four countries in Latin America to have offered an auction for 5G spectrum.

This development will create opportunities for suppliers of base station antennas, cloud data core, and applications for end-users. The tenders for base station antennas are forecasted for early 2023 and the cloud data core tender by the end of the year or the beginning of 2024.  

The main provider of internet access, ANTEL, is open to partnerships to jointly develop 5G business services to end-users via IoT in for Ag-tech, Healthcare, Industry, Logistics, and Security. 

For U.S. firms interested in learning more about opportunities in Uruguay’s telecommunications sector, please contact