Market Intelligence
Travel and Tourism United Kingdom

United Kingdom International Travel Review Underway

In February 2021 the UK government launched a review to determine how to safely reinstate international travel by May 2021. The review will be conducted by the Global Travel Taskforce, led by the Department for Transportation. The group will report its findings to the Prime Minister in mid-April, with recommendations for facilitating the return to international travel as soon as possible but no later than May 2021. The group will aim for a unified approach for all four nations of the United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland), however, the implementation across nations may differ.

The UK will lose an estimated $135billion (£100billion) in economic benefit if it does not re-open international travel to its citizens by the end of 2021. The U.S. component of that loss is estimated at $20.25billion (£15billion).

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