Market Intelligence
Defense Equipment United Kingdom

United Kingdom Defense Seeks Rapid Detection of Toxic Gases

The MOD is seeking proposals for new technological solutions for the rapid detection of toxic gases. The rapid release of toxic gas in an enclosed or semi-enclosed environment may happen through accident, equipment malfunction or malicious intent. The impact would outpace the UK’s existing safety procedures and potentially lead to adverse health effects for those in the vicinity. 

The MOD is interested in proposals for the detection of toxic gases in busy spaces by using an early warning system that triggers to the presence of toxic gases at or above 10% of their 10-minute Acute Exposure Guideline Levels (AEGL) level 2 value. As well as detection, the MOD is also interested in proposals for estimating concentration, minimizing nuisance alarms and quickly identifying areas at risk. The possibility of networking to future smart facility management systems is also of interest to the MOD.

Detection proposals should include a comprehensive coverage of chemical hazards. The MOD recognizes that some toxic gases are of greater concern than others in rapid release emergencies – for example, colorless or odorless gases which would not otherwise alert bystanders, compared to colored or odoriferous gases that would generate sensory alarm. At this stage, the MOD is interested in exploring detectors with the widest possible range of chemical libraries and capabilities. 

The MOD is particularly interested in novel technology developments outside of commonly used techniques for gas detection such as electrochemical sensors, metal oxide sensor or spectroscopic methods. However, novel applications or development based on current techniques are still of interest to the MOD. 

Your proposal should include evidence of how you plan to develop a TRL 4 sensor that:

  • Can detect more than one toxic gas.
  • Can alarm within a maximum of 30 seconds to the breach of appropriate AEGL of toxic gas.
  • Can operate unmonitored/with minimal human intervention or maintenance needed.
  • Can operate in an enclosed and semi enclosed environments.
  • Is tolerant to active spaces and various backgrounds – e.g. foot traffic or vehicles.
  • Is suitably sized for mounting in busy detection location (Size, weight and power).
  • Is low cost (Appreciation that any fully developed product would ideally be deployed in many and varied public locations).
  • Is capable of being networked/ to send detection signals externally.

This call for proposal presents potential opportunities for U.S. companies with expertise in the detection of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and high yield Explosives (CBRNE) and related equipment and technologies. U.S. companies have a worldwide reputation for innovative products, after sales service, and training which makes them competitive in the UK market. The U.S. and UK also share similar business cultures and business practices, which makes the UK an attractive market for U.S. suppliers.

If you have novel technology for the rapid detection of toxic gases and you would like to learn how to submit a proposal to the MOD, or to learn more about defense opportunities in the UK, please contact PJ Menner at the U.S. Embassy London via