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Defense Equipment Safety and Security Europe United Kingdom

United Kingdom Defense Funding Priorities

The UK MOD’s Defence and Security Accelerator (DASA) are urging Industry and academia to submit their ideas to help the MOD face its most pressing problems with future threats. DASA will oversee the Innovation Focus Areas and is particularly interested to hear from those who have never worked with Defence. The MOD has outlined its five innovation priorities and the challenges are to:

  • Integrate information and physical activity across all domains: how can the MOD integrate information and physical activity across domains (particularly space and cyber), and synchronise with wider government to increase understanding and operational tempo?
  • Deliver agile command and control: how can the MOD deliver agile command and control, to make faster, better decisions and generate decisive advantage in complex operations?
  • Operate and deliver effects in contested domains: how can the MOD operate and deliver military outcomes in denied and contested domains?
  • Defence people, skills, knowledge and experience: how can the MOD access people with the right skills, knowledge and experience?
  • Simulate future battlespace complexity: how can the MOD represent future battlespace complexity and higher levels of integration in training, wargaming and experimentation?

Industry and academia can apply for funding by submitting their ideas through the Open Call for Innovation

For more information on the MOD’s available funding or to run your idea by someone within the MOD, please contact DASA’s Innovation Partners or contact PJ Menner in Embassy London at