Market Intelligence
Energy Singapore

Singapore and Indonesia to build floating solar farm

Singapore is looking to import electricty from clean energy sources in neighboring country to meet its target of achieving net zero carbon emissions by 2050. One such agreement that was announced if the import of electricity generated from hydroelectric source in Laos.
Another electric source that was recently reported is from floating solar farm in Batam which is an Indonesian island 20miles south of Singapore. Both Indonesia and Singapore will commence the joint development of the floating solar farm in 2024 that will generate around two gigawatts of electricity and be transmitted via undersea cables. Singapore currently generates 95% of its electricity using natural gas which is a fossil fuel and switching to cleaner energy sources is part of the country’s energy transition.
It is expected that 40% of the project will be local Indonesian content while the remaining 60% will be from foreign investment. Currently, there are Indonesian and Singapore companies who plan to collaborate on the project.

U.S. companies who have the expertise and experience in designing and commissioning floating solar farms can partner with Singapore companies to undertake new projects.

For more information, please contact Commercial Specialist Mr. CHAN Yiu Kei.