Market Intelligence
Agribusiness Romania Economic Development

Romania Irrigation Infrastructure Development

Romania has a large national network of irrigation canals. However, this infrastructure has fallen into disrepair. At present, less than 20% of the 6,200-mile irrigation canal infrastructures are being utilized, irrigating approximately only 10% of the 22 million acres of arable land in Romania.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development in Romania launched a $1.6 billion allocation from the state budget to implement the “National Program to Rehabilitate Primary Irrigation Canal and Drainage Infrastructures” for 2022 – 2027. However, the allocated amount is insufficient to upgrade the entire canal infrastructure. Romania subsequently sought $40 million in additional funds from the European Commission for the rehabilitation of secondary irrigation canal infrastructures through the 2020-2027 Multiannual Financial Framework of the EU’s Common Agricultural Policy. Under this program, the EU will cover $1.6 million per project. These projects will be put forward by farmers associated with irrigation water end-users NGOs and will aim to modernize secondary irrigation infrastructures. The EU will also cover $540 thousand per farm to invest in new irrigation systems.

In February 2024, the EU approved an additional Romanian scheme worth roughly $260 million to support the agricultural primary plant production sector in the context of Russia’s war against Ukraine. Under this scheme, the aid will consist of limited amounts of direct grants. The measure will be open to agricultural producers of some plant products, especially winter cereals and rapeseed producers impacted by market difficulties as a result of the war in neighboring Ukraine. The aid will provide up to $300 thousand per beneficiary.

More information about the above tender programs will be published on the websites of the following agencies:

•    National Agency for Land Reclamations: 
•    Agency for Financing Rural Investments:

New Opportunities for U.S. Smart and Clean Irrigation Suppliers

As a result of the above funding programs, upcoming new tenders in Romania for irrigation projects will present a clear opportunity for U.S. suppliers. In particular, vendors of technologies such as pumping stations and irrigation systems utilizing clean energy, as well as smart water management technologies that support digital irrigation, software sensors, and other technologies such as water monitoring, usage, conservation, filtration, purification, and desalination, will enjoy new prospects in Romania.

Trade Event Opportunity for U.S. Companies in Romania

•    May 2025: Expo AgriPlanta–RomAgroTec: Open-Air Exhibition, Trial Fields & Machinery Demonstration, 11th Edition, Fundulea, Calarasi County,

Contact Commercial Specialist Mr. Gabriel Popescu at