Market Intelligence
Travel and Tourism Bicycles

Poland Travel and Tourism bicycle and equipment market growth

Poland is a bicycle manufacturer.  According to Eurostat, 1.04 million bicycles, or more than 7 percent of total EU production, left Polish factories in 2022 (the latest available data).

Poles practice sports more often, more professionally and the most popular sports activity is just cycling.  Poles are among the most ardent two-wheeled enthusiasts on the continent. It turns out that at least twice a week as many as 36 percent of their compatriots ride a unicycle. In this regard, Poles are outstripped only by the Dutch (53 percent), while they are followed by, among others, the Germans (34 percent), Swedes (30 percent), French (20 percent) and other European nations.

According to Statista, last year the average price of a bicycle in Poland was the equivalent of $980, and this year it will rise to $1040.  For many the decision to buy a bicycle is still influenced by its price, but there is a growing sector of interest in bikes that are more tailored to the user’s requirements and intents regardless of price.

Despite such a big production capacities Poland is a big market for high end and expensive bicycles. Most of the world’s bicycle manufacturers such: Cannondale, Scott, Cinelli, Colnago, Trek, GT, Felt, Marin, Specialized, State Bicycle have already been present on the Polish market for years. The demand for bicycles and equipment is invariably growing.

Interest in electric bicycles is also growing. The Polish government is making efforts to get people to switch to more environmentally friendly means of transportation. That’s why the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management plans to announce a new program called My Electric Bike. The Climate Ministry has earmarked as much as PLN 300 million, ($70 million) for this solution. Funding is to be up to 50% of the cost, but no more than PLN5,000 ($1,250). The launch date for the program has not yet been announced, but the discussion that has begun is symptomatic of the next growth of the market.

Many Polish towns and cities have a city bike rental service. However, its popularity is quite low: a survey by Statista shows that only about 3 percent of survey participants use such systems. There are several reasons for this, including only one type and size of bike, its considerable weight and low functionality, as well as, for example, the need to install an app or create an account.

The alternative is to rent. There are the first companies offer bicycles rentals for any length of time (a minimum of one month), with the owner offering service and storage of the equipment during the off-season.

In summary, the bicycle tourism market is growing rapidly.  There is a very high demand for various types of bicycles, from city bikes to professional ones.  There is a growing demand for equipment and accessories for them as well as clothing and footwear.

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