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Medical Devices Health Information Technology Poland Industry

Poland Healthcare AI-Enabled Medical Technologies

Poland is making significant strides in the e-healthcare sector by integrating digital technologies aimed at enhancing patient care, streamlining healthcare processes, and improving access to medical services. A notable advancement in this area is the implementation of the Internet Patient Account (IKP), a platform that consolidates treatment data, including e-prescriptions, e-referrals, and visit histories, allowing patients convenient access to their medical information.

Looking ahead, it is projected that by the end of 2026, approximately USD 400 million from the National Reconstruction Plan (KPO) and Cohesion Policy funds will be allocated towards the development of AI-enabled medical technologies in Poland. The sectors poised to benefit most from innovative medical technologies include radiology, cardiology, and dermatology.

Despite a robust presence of companies specializing in medical technology, there are concerns that local firms may struggle to develop suitable solutions before project funding is depleted. As a result, Poland may need to acquire advanced medical technologies from international sources, presenting a substantial opportunity for U.S.-based companies.

To capitalize on this potential, it is advisable for American companies to form partnerships with local enterprises. Such collaborations can facilitate easier access to public procurement tenders and streamline the implementation process. Interested parties are encouraged to stay informed about relevant updates by visiting the Centrum e-Zdrowia website and can direct inquiries to