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Defense Equipment Poland Investment Incentives

Poland Defense Over 150 contracts for purchase of military equipment for Polish Army

In 2024, the Polish Ministry of Defense (MOD) plans to sign over 150 contracts for the purchase of various types of military equipment, stated Deputy Minister of Defense Paweł Bejda at the Sejm (Polish Parliament) on March 7, 2024.  He assured that further purchases will be made based on the results and recommendations of the audit currently being conducted at the Ministry of Defense, regarding, among others, assessment of the functioning of the system for acquiring military equipment.

The MoND has plans to conclude contracts for, among others, AH64 Apache attack helicopters, radar aerostats, additional tanks, Homar-A and Homar-K (HIMARS in Poland is called Homar) multi-launch rocket launchers, and helicopters of various types including multi-role and support, as well as modernization of F-16 aircraft.  In addition, the matter of individual soldier’s equipment is considered an important concern.  So far, the main focus has been large and expensive operational programs which has left other areas underinvested, like basic equipment for Polish troops, such as uniforms, helmets, bulletproof vests, etc. 

Among the 150 contracts announced by the Ministry of Defense, the following will be higher priority:

  • AH-64 Apache attack helicopters,
  • aerostats “Barbara” project,
  • more K2 tanks,
  • HIMARS missile launchers,
  • Chunmoo rocket launchers,
  • modernization of F-16 fighters,
  • aircraft armament,
  • individual soldier equipment,
  • ammunition for tanks,
  • unmanned reconnaissance and strike systems,
  • multi-role helicopters,
  • support helicopters.

The main effort is focused on acquiring military equipment that meets the requirements of not only modern but also future battlefield.  There are plans to have at least 50 percent spending on armament and military modernization using the Polish defense industry companies’ capabilities.  When it comes to overall defense spending, it is likely the new government will continue investing in national defense at the same, or higher, levels.

U.S. defense suppliers have a strong reputation for innovation, quality and after-sale service making them very competitive in the Polish market.