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Mozambique MCC Approves Compact II for $500 million in investment

On June 28, 2023, the MCC Board of Directors approved a $500 Million Compact II to provide investment and grants to increase productivity, promote income generation, and reduce poverty in Zambezia Province in northern Mozambique. Investment will be channelled towards rural transportation and commercial-scale agriculture, as well as integrated climate management and coastal development. Tenders for Mozambique and other MCC compact markets are published Millennium Challenge Account Program Procurements.

As a U.S. foreign assistance agency, MCC aims to combat poverty by forming partnerships with developing countries who are committed to good governance, economic freedom and investing in their citizens. Using a country-led approach, MCC provides time-limited grants and assistance towards policy and institutional reforms to developing countries that meet global standards for good governance. 


MCC flagship sectors and strategic goals: 

  • Design and Construction- Connectivity and Rural Transportation  
    • Climate-smart, sustainable, and cost-effective rural transport connectivity
    • Complementary sector reforms and institutional capacity building 
    • Catalyse private sector-led strategies and investment 
  • Agribusiness- Investment Promotion in Commercial Agriculture
    • Reform institutions and policies to catalyse an inclusive commercial agriculture sector
    • Strengthen the investment framework, capacity and agricultural production 
    • Supply inputs to Smallholder farmers
    • Support gender-equitable opportunities and solutions 
  • Environment Technologies- Integrated Climate Management and Coastal Development 
    • Enable community-led mangrove and seagrass reforestation and land use planning
    • Investigate the feasibility of marine economies and potential application of blue carbon credits 

The MCC Compact will fuel demand for U.S. companies that can offer construction machinery, engineering services, small-scale agriculture equipment, inputs and climate resiliency solutions.

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