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Marine Technology Underwater Technology Japan Trade Development

Japan Marine Tech Autonomous Underwater Vehicles

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUVs) will be a game changer for Japan, addressing the need for cost effective and labor-saving solutions in the marine, environmental management, and offshore industries. AUVs can be used in various fields including marine resource development, scientific research, maritime security, fisheries and aquaculture, marine infrastructure management, and disaster prevention and mitigation.

Currently, maintenance and inspection of infrastructure facilities and seabed surveys in shallow waters up to 30 meters deep is conducted using Remotely Operated Vehicles (ROVs), underwater backhoes, and divers. Japan’s labor shortage and need for cost savings are driving interest in AUVs as a substitute for this work. There is also a growing demand for AUVs to inspect offshore wind power generation facilities.

The Japanese government is concerned the country largely relies on imported AUVs and key components such as submersible connectors and acoustic communication-based navigation systems. The government recognizes the importance of securing strong supply chains and developing a robust domestic AUV industry. It aims to accelerate domestic manufacturing and development of related AUV technology by 2030.
Industry experts are skeptical about the feasibility of this goal, given Japan’s long-standing reliance on imported AUVs and core systems. As such, the Japanese market should remain welcoming to and interested in U.S. AUV technologies.

Specifically, there is a high demand for small, inexpensive, and easy-to-deploy AUVs that meet the necessary technical capabilities. Incorporating features that address Japan’s susceptibility to natural disasters will be crucial in the development of these technologies. Currently, such Japanese AUVs are not yet available in the Japanese market.

US companies with small, affordable, and high-specification AUVs interested in entering the Japanese market should contact our Marine Technology Commercial Specialist in Japan by emailing .