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India Information Technology Quantum Computing Market


The Indian quantum computing market is still in its infant stages but is poised for considerable growth. Industry sources estimate the market reached $1 billion in 2024 and is projected to reach nearly $7 billion by 2032, reflecting a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 27%. This growth is driven by government initiatives, rising interest from domestic and international players, and the potential of quantum computing to revolutionize various industries.

Market Dynamics

The Indian government is boosting the development of quantum computing through initiatives like the National Mission on Quantum Technology and Scientific Applications launched in 2020. This mission is directed towards research and development, creating a skilled workforce, and establishing India as a global leader in quantum technologies. Indian companies and research institutions are increasingly expanding the applications of quantum computing in areas like materials science, drug discovery, financial modeling, and cryptography. This focus on practical applications is driving demand for quantum computing hardware, software, and services. Collaboration between domestic and international players is a vital trend. Indian companies are partnering with foreign firms to access expertise and technology, creating excellent opportunities for U.S. companies to enter the Indian market through joint ventures or technology transfer agreements.

Factors Driving Growth

Escalated investments from government and private players are supporting the growth of the Indian quantum computing market. This funding makes way for research and development, infrastructure development, and the creation of a skilled workforce. Advancements in areas like superconducting qubits and error correction are making quantum computers more powerful and reliable. These discoveries are increasing the potential applications of the technology, further propelling market growth.

Opportunities for U.S. Companies

The cloud-based delivery of quantum computing services can handle the high cost and complexity of managing on-premises hardware. This model creates opportunities for U.S. cloud service providers to provide quantum computing platforms to Indian customers. As the demand for quantum computing solutions rises, there will be an imperative need for specialized software and services to develop quantum applications. U.S. companies with the skills and expertise in quantum software development and consulting can cater to this growing demand. Collaboration between U.S. and Indian companies can leverage U.S. technological expertise and Indian scientific talent to accelerate innovation and commercialize quantum computing solutions.


The India quantum computing market presents attractive opportunities for U.S. exporters to contribute and capitalize on the growing demand for quantum solutions across various sectors. By understanding market trends, drivers, and challenges, U.S. exporters can form successful partnerships and be the drivers of innovation in India’s evolving quantum computing landscape.

For further information regarding opportunities in this sector, please reach out to your local U.S. office or contact the U.S. Commercial Service in India.