Market Intelligence
Industries Africa Sub-Saharan Africa Ghana Law and Corruption Government, Law and Regulation Risk Management

Ghana Reoccurring Scams

U.S. individuals and businesses are periodically lured into procurement scams and advanced fee fraud schemes by entities originating in Ghana or purporting to be in Ghana.  

In October 2024, the Ghanaian Ministry of Trade and Industry verified to the U.S. Embassy in Ghana that the following 16 entities are not legitimate procurement organizations:  

Africa Rural Development Project 
Plot CA 112, Commercial Area, Tamale, Ghana

African Sub Sahara Global Projects-ASSGP
No. 987 Wusorkrom, Yamoransah-Fosu Road 
Takoradi, Ghana  

Africa Union (AU) Procurement Division
# 121 Airport Road or #234 Airport Road 
Accra, Ghana

African Union Trade and Industrial Development Agency

Bureau of Public Procurement and Contract Management Authority
6th Floor SSNIT Emporium, Airport City
Accra, Ghana

Eco Procurements Authority (ECOPPA)
20 Airport Road  
Accra, Ghana

Economic Commission For West-Africa Rehabilitation Projects (EC-WARP)
West-African Regional Head Office 
Ring Road East, Cantonments, Accra PMB CT. 106
Accra, Ghana

Millennium Development Project
Plot 12 Sarpong Avenue, P.O. Box 2459 
Accra, Ghana

National Integrated Development Authority 
No.23 Lamptey Avenue Extension, Airport Residential Area, 
P.O. Box 2879
Accra, Ghana

National Integrated Project Authority  
Plot 28 Castle Road, Accra  

National Project Development Authority 
#57 Switchback Road, P.O. Box CT 232
Cantonments, Accra, Ghana  

National Project Implementation Commission
#17 Afram Road, P.O. Box 112, Asylum Down
Accra, Ghana

Pan-African Regional Contract & Development Commission
Regional Headquarters: #4 Osu La Crescent
Mile 2 International Conference Centre
P. O. Box CT 638, Cantonments
Accra, Ghana.

Regional Procurement Development Directive 
#98 Dr. Insert Road, North Ridge, 8th Avenue Extension, P.O. Box 284
Accra, Ghana

West Africa Projects and Development Board
14 Lanre Otto Street, Cantonments
Accra, Ghana

West African Regional Development Union
22 Ring Road East
Accra, Ghana

**This is not an exclusive list of fraudulent entities.  Just because an entity does not appear on this list does not mean that the entity is legitimate.  New fraudulent entities appear all of the time or reemerge with small changes to their name.  Please see Commercial Service Ghana’s Guide to Avoiding Scams In International Trade and Business for more information and red flags to look out for. 

Please note that all of these organizations maintain elaborate websites as part of the scammers’ strategy to lure U.S. and other international companies and persuade them that the procurements are legitimate.  Those websites often mimic government and international organization websites, including using government coats of arms and international organization symbols.  

If an alleged buyer or agent asks you to send any money to pay for miscellaneous fees (taxes, registration, bank fees, attorney fees, etc.) related to an export transaction, it is very likely a scam.  

If you have already lost funds or feel you may currently be involved in a scheme, please contact your local Secret Service field office and file a complaint with the FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).

The Commercial Section of the U.S. Embassy Ghana strongly advises U.S. companies to conduct due diligence on all potential new business partners in Ghana and other markets.  We can assist with this via one of our due diligence services such as the International Company Profile, which provides an in-depth or basic background check information on a specific foreign company to help determine its suitability as a potential business partner.  For more information about due diligence or these scams, please contact: or Tel: +233(0)30-274-1870.