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Industries Egypt Trade Facilitation

Egypt's New Customs Facilitation System "NAFEZA"

Egypt launched the National Single Window for Foreign Trade Facilitation (“Nafeza”) system on April 1, 2021. The initiative is implemented by the Egyptian Customs Authority to modernize and automate customs administration, simplify procedures, and reduce clearance times.  It is expected to facilitate and expedite the review and release of foreign shipments upon their arrival at a port of entry within Egypt.

“Nafeza” uses an integrated information platform to coordinate all necessary shipping information between foreign exporters and Egyptian importers. This system requires importers to submit all necessary shipping documentation and transaction data (customs duties, import controls, port of entry, etc.) via an online “e-portal” in order to facilitate the release of the importers’ goods from ports in Egypt. According to the Egyptian Customs Authority, the “Nafeza” platform will bring the Government of Egypt in line with international standards of trade-related procedures and customs requirements for the clearance of goods. Misr Technology Services (MTS) is responsible for administering the new single window system.

The Egyptian Customs Authority launched the pilot phase of “Nafeza” at the Port of Alexandria on April 1, 2021. During the pilot phase, Egyptian importers will have the option to start utilizing the system for seeking clearance for their inbound shipments. Beginning on July 1, 2021, use of the “Nafeza” system will become obligatory. The new system will be applied at seaports first, and airports and inland ports will follow.

How Registering a Shipment via “Nafeza” works:

The Egyptian importer of an inbound shipment must sign in to the “Nafeza” online e-portal and submit the required shipping documents. Upon successful submission of the required documentation, the Egyptian importer will be issued a unique shipment identification number (ACID). Either the Egyptian importer, or a customs broker acting on behalf of the importer, may access the “Nafeza” online e-portal to request issuance of the ACID number for a particular shipment. According to officials, the proposed customs process will be as follows: 

  1. Importer inputs the shipment data in the new ACI customs system. 
  2. Customs authority issues shipment identification number (ACID) within 48 hours. 
  3. Customs authority notifies importer and exporter of the ACID. 
  4. Exporter electronically transmits shipment documentation and data, ensuring ACID is referred to on all documentation. 
  5. Importer certifies and acknowledges the correctness of the data sent by the exporter.
  6. Vessel is loaded with the shipment and departs the exporting country.
  7. Importer pays import taxes and fees. 
  8. Vessel arrives at Egyptian port and shipment is offloaded.
  9. Joint committee at Egyptian port inspects shipment. 
  10. Egyptian customs clear the shipment. 

To access the “Nafeza” online e-portal, go to

For further inquiries, please email Senior Commercial Specialist Ms. Rania Mekhail