Market Intelligence
Retail Trade China


China hosted the 2022 Winter Olympic Games in Beijing, which showcased its world-class facilities and the popularity of the games in China. China-based reports show that more than 300 million Chinese participated in snow and ice sports this year alone, indicating their growing popularity, especially among young, affluent urbanites. According to estimates by the International Olympic Committee, China’s winter sports industry is expected to reach $150 billion by 2025.

The growing popularity of winter sports in China increased the demand for sports equipment, gear, and sportswear. During’s 2022 New Year’s shopping festival, purchases of winter sports equipment increased by 107% and winter sportswear by 99% from prior years. Due to this robust growth, China is quickly becoming one of the most competitive markets for winter sports equipment and products in the world. However, there is still room for new-to-market players, especially for those with unique, forward-thinking, innovative, and reasonably-priced products. 

For more information, please contact Commercial Specialist Mr. Shen Yan at