Market Intelligence
Cybersecurity Chile Laws and Regulations

Chile Information Technology New Cybersecurity Framework Law

On March 26th, 2024, President Gabriel Boric enacted Chile’s Cybersecurity Framework Law, making Chile the first country in Latin America to establish a cybersecurity agency and regulatory framework.

The law is a key element of the government’s National Cybersecurity Policy 2023-2028. The policy, published in December of last year, aims to:

  1. Create resilient infrastructure.
  2. Protect personal data.
  3. Create a cybersecurity culture through education and good practices.
  4. Encourage national and international coordination.
  5. Promote scientific and industry research.

The law creates the National Cybersecurity Agency (ANCI), with the power to formulate and enforce cybersecurity regulations for both the private and public sectors.  The agency will also advise the president on matters related to cybersecurity, manage a national database on cybersecurity incidents, and designate essential services.

The National Computer Security Incident Response Team (CSIRT) is also created by this Law and will report to ANCI to respond to cyberattacks and other acute threats. CSIRT will also coordinate new teams that will be created for different branches of the State; for example, a National Defense CSIRT will fill a similar function, and report to the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

The law creates new opportunities for U.S. cybersecurity firms. Chilean companies are generally unprepared for cyberattacks, with a $10 million 2018 cyberattack on the Bank of Chile highlighting the need for increased security measures. According to FortiGuard Labs, Chile experienced 14 billion cyberattack attempts in 2022 alone, a 50% increase from 2021.  Chile has suffered from a shortage of cybersecurity and IT professionals and is estimated to lack 28,000 cybersecurity experts to meet public and private needs. The United States is a world-recognized leader in cybersecurity and Chilean companies have historically turned to U.S. solutions.  This new law facilitates international cooperation and investment and demonstrates the government’s commitment to developing this sector of the economy.

The US Commercial Service Global Technology Team recommends that interested parties’ partner with a local representative to enter the Chilean market.  

For more information on the cybersecurity industry in Chile, please contact