Market Intelligence
Energy Canada

Canada Ontario Clean Power Generation and Energy Storage

Canada is one of the world’s leading countries in using clean, zero emissions energy. Approximately 65 percent of the electricity generation is sourced from hydro, wind, solar, and other renewable sources. The largest province, Ontario, has over 52% of electricity generated from nuclear power on which it is now adding the first nuclear small modular reactors (SMR) to be installed and commissioned before 2030. The rest of electricity is generated from hydro, gas, and other renewables (zero coal-based power generation).

Ontario is also planning other additional clean power generation capacities and energy efficiency solutions. The Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO), the province’s system planner, has identified capacity needs including large energy storage of up to 1,500 MW in the 2025-2027 period and is implementing plans to secure these supply needs. Per Ontario Energy Minister Directive of October 6, 2022, IESO will conclude procurement contracts covering total 4,000 MW grouped in three programs; 

  1. Technology Upgrades 300 MW, 
  2. Expedited Long-Term 1 (eLT1) 1,500 MW (expansions and new greenfield); and 
  3. Long-Term 1 (LT 1) 2,200 MW (expansions and new greenfield). 

The directive indicates proposals are due December 2022 for programs 1 and 2 and Q2 2023 for program 3. The IESO declared policy is to offer a transparent and accessible procurement process and to list current opportunities on encouraging interested parties to subscribe to MERX.

IESO posted on MERX Requests for Vendor Qualifications (“RFVQ”) as invitation to prospective Proponents to submit proposals to become Qualified Vendors for specialized resources.

  • Market Renewal Program Special Resources - Ref.# 0000151906
  • Market Assessment and Compliance Division (MACD) Technical Resources - Ref.# 0000196932

The business opportunities are ranging from power generation equipment to electricity transportation and/or energy storage equipment, systems, and components. Interested parties need to consider the option of quickly becoming a Qualified Vendor for IESO and to review MERX website and IESO postings to obtain/review the detailed specifications for these procurements.

IESO updated deadlines for January and February 2023 were communicated in a presentation from Dec. 5, 2022 which is posted also on YouTube at IESO – E-LT1 Procurement Update Dec 5  2022 on YouTube.

U.S. Commercial Service Canada is following closely the status and progress of the market and projects and is assisting U.S. companies with advocacy support and business to business contact information and facilitation for the Canadian supply chain.

For further information contact: Commercial Specialist Stefan Popescu