Market Intelligence
Argentina International Trade Law Import Regulations

Argentina New Payment Flexibility

It is important for U.S. exporters to Argentina to know that on April 11, 2024, the Central Bank of Argentina (through Communication “A” 7990) announced an update to the terms for access to foreign currency that should facilitate the importation of their goods into Argentina. The new terms allow Argentine small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to pay for most imported goods within 30 days and to pay for most imported capital goods in advance.  

Specifically, the following measures have been announced:

• Flexibility of access to the foreign exchange market:  As of April 15, Argentine SMEs will be allowed to pay for their imports of goods within a period of 30 days.  Previously, they had to pay in installments of 30, 60, 90 and 120 days.  

• Flexibility of access to the foreign exchange market for advances on capital goods:  for most imports of capital goods, Argentine SMEs can provide advance payment of up to 20 percent of the value of the goods to be imported.

This reduction of payment terms for SMEs is consistent with the new Argentine government’s efforts to enable and facilitate international trade and allows a better flow of imports and greater predictability and efficiency of payments to overseas suppliers.

For additional information, please contact the U.S. Commercial Service in Argentina at