Thailand Country Commercial Guide
Learn about the market conditions, opportunities, regulations, and business conditions in thailand, prepared by at U.S. Embassies worldwide by Commerce Department, State Department and other U.S. agencies’ professionals
Import Tariffs
Last published date:

Thailand’s average Most-Favored-Nation (MFN) applied tariff rate was 11.5 percent in 2021 (latest data available). Thailand’s average MFN applied tariff rate was 31.2 percent for agricultural products and 8.4 percent for non-agricultural products in 2021 (latest data available).  Thailand has bound 75.2 percent of its tariff lines in the World Trade Organization (WTO), with an average WTO bound tariff rate of 28.0 percent.

High tariffs in many sectors continue to hinder access to the Thai market for many U.S. products.  The highest ad valorem tariff rates apply to imports competing with locally produced goods, including automobiles and automotive parts, motorcycles, beef, pork, poultry, tea, tobacco, flowers, beer and spirits, and textiles and apparel.  Wine imports are subject to a 54 percent tariff and six different taxes; taken together, the effective duty and tax burden is nearly 400 percent. Industry has raised concerns about the import tariffs on wine and disparate ad valorem taxes that appear to favor domestic white liquor.

Despite Thailand’s 20-year Alternative Energy Development Plan (2018-2037), which aims to increase biofuels consumption, Thailand restricts the import of biofuels intended for fuel use. Fuel ethanol imports require approval and issuance of permits by Thailand’s Ministry of Energy, but to date the ministry has not issued any approvals or permits. Thailand originally aimed to phase out premium gasoline containing 10 percent ethanol blends (Octane 91 E10) by 2018 and octane 95 E10 E85 between 2023 and 2027, with the intention of making 20 percent ethanol blends (E20) the primary gasohol. However, concerns over sufficient feedstock availability in Thailand have repeatedly delayed the full transition from E10 to E20.

To look up specific tariffs, please see Customs Info Database.