View of a cargo ship on the water
U.S. Foreign-Trade Zones
Special Customs Procedures Applicable to Foreign-Trade Zones

How to Apply

How to Apply

To prepare any request to the FTZ Board, use the formats provided on this website.

Note: If you are a company that wishes to conduct production activity under FTZ procedures, you will need both FTZ designation of your facility (generally subzone or usage-driven site) as well as production authority. Please see the FTZ Production Center for more information on what constitutes “production”.

All requests (and related communications) to the FTZ Board should come from - or be copied (CC’d) to - the zone’s grantee. The FTZ Staff is unable to review such documents unless the grantee has been included in the communication.

Application documents should be sent to:

The application letter should be addressed to: Executive Secretary, Foreign-Trade Zones Board, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1401 Constitution Ave., NW, Room 21013, Washington, DC 20230

ASF Minor Boundary Modifications
Using the format below, you can designate one or more sites as a subzone or a usage-driven site under the ASF.
Subzones (non-ASF)
Use this application to request new or expanded FTZ designation for a company under the TSF or outside of an ASF service area.

Production Notifications
To request FTZ "production" authority use the format below
Production Applications
If all or part of your production notification was not authorized, used the production application format below to request further review from the FTZ Board.
ASF Reorganizations
Use the format below to reorganize a zone under the ASF (or expand an existing ASF service area):
Minor Boundary Modifications (non-ASF)
Use the format below to make a minor modification to a zone site or subzone (non-ASF) by swapping acreage:
Expansions of Existing FTZs (non-ASF)
To expand or reorganize a zone (non-ASF), use this format.
Waiver request under the uniform treatment provision of the FTZ Regulations
Use this format to request a waiver under 15 CFR 400.43(f).
New Zones
To apply for a new zone (grantee), use the link below

Reference Information

Guidance on Providing Local Public Notice
Adjacency Requirements
Application Process Summary
Processing Times
Checking the Status of a Request
What to do While an Application is Being Reviewed