Spoga+Gafa Cologne Logo
spoga+gafa 2025
Spoga+gafa is the leading international trade fair for the garden and leisure industry.
June 22-24, 2025, Cologne

Germany Events spoga+gafa

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Spoga+Gafa 2025

June 22-24, 2025

Spoga+Gafa in Cologne is Europe’s leading trade fair for the garden lifestyle sector. Every year, more than 40 U.S. companies offer their innovative products at this top industry event. Within the framework of the show, the U.S. Commercial Service in Düsseldorf offers a wide range of services for U.S. exhibitors to support your sales efforts in Germany before, during, and after the event.

No-Fee Services for U.S. exhibitors

  • Online pre-show promotion on behalf of all U.S. exhibitors at the show
  • Market counseling before, during, and after the show
  • Assistance with show follow-up for leads in Germany

Customized services (fee-based) such as Business Matchmaking, Business Facilitation Services, Customized Market Intelligence are also available. Please contact us at least 40 Business Days prior to the show. For further information on how the U.S. Commercial Service can assist you with your exporting plans in worldwide markets, please also contact your nearest U.S. Commercial Service office in the United States.

No-Fee Service for U.S. trade visitors

Koelnmesse offers a special service for U.S. trade visitors at Spoga Gafa, including free entry, garden center tours, and networking events. For more information and details on this program, please refer to the Koelnmesse visitor program letter. To take advantage of this great opportunity, please contact Elaine Brook at brook@tema.de.

Services for International Buyers

Are you looking for innovative U.S. products? For our international visitors, we would be happy to arrange for meetings with our U.S. exhibitors. Please contact us in advance of the show, and we will be happy to assist you in sourcing U.S. products and services.

We look forward to seeing you in Cologne!
Please also visit the Spoga+Gafa website: https://www.spogagafa.com/

Your contact at the U.S. Commercial Service:

U.S. Commercial Service Düsseldorf
American Consulate General Düsseldorf
Willi-Becker-Allee 10
40227 Düsseldorf
Tel: +49-211-737 767 0
E-mail: Office.Dusseldorf@trade.gov