Hypermotion 2024
Trade fair for future mobility and logistics in green cities and smart regions.
November 2024 TBD, Frankfurt

Germany Events Hypermotion

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Hypermotion 2024

November 2024

Hypermotion is a multimodal innovation platform for future mobility and logistics in green cities and smart regions. Focus of the event is on digitalization, disruption and decarbonization. Its aim is to join forces to promote the mobility and energy transition. Hypermotion 2024 is set to take place in Frankfurt in November 2024.

No-fee services for U.S. exhibitors at Hypermotion 2024:

  • Take advantage of our virtual export promotion services: https://www.trade.gov/virtual-services
  • Free Export Promotion Counseling Sessions before, during, and after the show.
  • Information on how to protect new designs you may be showing, and to take expedited action against foreign exhibitors who copy your design and trademarks. Please see important information about trademark and design protection at German trade fairs on our website: Germany Events IPR (trade.gov)
  • Introduction to an International Trade Specialist at your nearest U.S. Commercial Service office in the United States.

Please also visit the Hypermotion website: https://hypermotion-frankfurt.messefrankfurt.com 

Interested in using the U.S. Commercial Service as an additional market entry tool? 

Your U.S. Commercial Service Contact:

Felix Happe
Commercial Specialist
American Consulate General Munich
Königinstraße 5
80539 Munich
Phone: +49-89-2888-752, mobile +49-163-872-2723
E-Mail: Felix.Happe@trade.gov