Heimtextil 2025
Heimtextil 2025
Heimtextil is the leading home textiles trade fair.
January 14-17, 2025, Frankfurt

Germany Events Heimtextil

Heimtextil 2025

January, 14-17, 2025

Heimtextil 2024 ended with 46,000 visitors from around 130 nations and 2,838 exhibitors from 60 nations, with 25 percent growth. The response from international buyers to the quality and variety of the new Carpets & Rugs product segment was overwhelming. In numerous talks, tours, and workshops, Heimtextil focused on two of the most important key topics of the coming decades: sustainable production and action as well as artificial intelligence. At the leading trade fair for home and contract textiles, transformations could be experienced more intensively than ever before.

Our Exhibitor Support Program:

  • We provide virtual counseling during the trade show
  • We provide you with up-to-date market research (also on other European markets)
  • We can follow up for you with the contacts you make at the trade fair, or the trade leads we collect for you
  • We can introduce you to an International Trade Specialist at your nearest U.S. Commercial Service office in the United States
  • We can provide fee-based services in advance and during the show, including business match-making and customized market research

Your U.S. Commercial Service Contact:

Tobias Wester

Head of Section
U.S. Consulate General Frankfurt
Gießener Str. 30
60435 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: +49-69-7535-3159
E-mail: Tobias.Wester@trade.gov