Emo Hannover Logo
EMO 2025
EMO is one of the world's premier trade shows for the metalworking sector.
September 22-27, 2025, Hanover

Germany Events EMO

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EMO 2025

September 22 - 27, 2025

The EMO is one of the world’s premier trade shows for the metalworking sector. Over 2,200 exhibitors from over 40 countries worldwide – 37 from the United States – present their innovations in Hanover, bringing together both manufacturers and end users. The schedule will be dominated by this year’s topics, which includes industry 4.0, energy efficiency, and 3D printing. Beyond these topics, EMO highlights developments in supply chain management and resource conservation.

The schedule will be dominated by this year’s topics, which includes industry 4.0, energy efficiency, and 3D printing. Beyond these topics, EMO highlights developments in supply chain management and resource conservation.

No-fee services for U.S. exhibitors:

  • Pre-show promotion on your behalf via our Europe-wide network at other U.S. Embassies and Consulates Alert international distributors with a brief company listing that you will be at the show and invite them to visit your booth. 
  • Facilitating connections with international and German wholesalers, distributors, agents, buyers, and importers.
  • Counseling through our services before, during and after the show.
  • Information on how to protect new designs you may be showing, and to take expedited action against foreign exhibitors who copy your design and trademarks. Please see important information about trademark and design protection at German trade fairs on our website: Germany Events IPR 
  • Introduction to an International Trade Specialist at your nearest U.S. Commercial Service office in the United States.

Customized services (fee-based) such as International Partner Search, Single Company or Location Promotion, Customized Market Research and more are also available.

Please also visit the EMO website: EMO Hannover 2025 (emo-hannover.de)

Interested in using the U.S. Commercial Service as an additional market entry tool?

Your contacts at the U.S. Commercial Service: 

U.S. Commercial Service Dusseldorf
American Consulate General Dusseldorf
Willi-Becker-Allee 10
40227 Dusseldorf
Tel: +49-211-737 767 0
E-mail: Office.Dusseldorf@trade.gov